I ❤️ cello

アマチュア音楽活動 豪州のローカルの話題など

コミュニティオーケストラで チョコのプレゼント

「その日(9月9日)は R U OK? Day だから」
R U OK Day を知っているかどうか聞いてみると「知らない」

R U OK? wants to inspire and empower people to meaningfully connect with those in their world and lend support when they are struggling with life by asking "are you OK?". 
Visit www.ruok.org.au

We were founded by marketing executive Gavin Larkin (d. 2011) in 2009. Inspired by the suicide death of his father Barry Larkin, Gavin hoped to encourage more people to take time to reach out to anyone struggling with life.
R U OK?Day is our national day of action on the second Thursday of September (9 September 2021), and dedicated to reminding people to regularly check in with family, friends, colleagues and neighbours.
(Facebook サイトから)

去年から続くコロナウィルス環境に メンタルを病む人が増えているそうです。
Are you OK?
I hope you are OK.